Experimental MIDI Controller Construction Kit

Value to MIDI Converter

This module is used to convert values from ports that send numbers (green in the editor) to MIDI events, which can then be sent to MIDI input ports (orange). A converter will automatically be created if you connect a green to an orange input port in the editor, and useful input range values will automatically be set in this case. But you can also create a converter in the add-controls menu.

The number values can be converted to one of the following voice channel MIDI event types:

Control Change: Send one of the many Control Change values, like Modulation, Channel Volume, Breath Control, Expression etc.

Note: Generate Note-On and Note-Off events depending on the input value.

Channel Pressure: Generate Channel Pressure (Channel Aftertouch) events.

Pitch Bend: Generate Pitch Bend values depending on the input.


ValueIn and MIDIOut:

Values entering the ValueIn port are converted to MIDI events and sent out through the MIDIOut port.


Channel: The channel of the generated MIDI events.

Input Range: The range of the input values, so that the range can be mapped to the output values. When connecting a green port to an orange port in the editor, the range is automatically set to a "useful" range, but it still might make sense to adjust it here, depending on your needs.

Inverted input range: If checked, the values from the input are inverted, so large values become small ones in the output.

Type: The type of MIDI event that should be generated. Control Change, Note, Channel Pressure or Pitch Bend.

Target Controller: (Control Change only) Which control function do you want to change with your Control Change message?

Output Range: (Control Change, Channel Pressure and Pitch Bend) The range of the output value. The input value range will be linearly mapped to this output range.

MIDI note range: (Note only) Defines the range of the notes that can be generated.

Velocity: The velocity of the generated MIDI events.

Restrict to scale notes: Should only notes of a specific scale be generated?

Scale: The scale used to restrict the notes (if "restrict to scale notes" is enabled).