Experimental MIDI Controller Construction Kit

Value Smoother

When you pass values (coming from green value ports) through the Value Smoother, the values will be smoothed. This is mostly useful for values with strong fluctuations (like the Microphone Amplitude or Motion Sensor values).

Typical use cases:

Use the loudness of your voice as a cheap breath controller replacement: If you create a Microphone module, it will measure the amplitude of the current microphone signal and send it out through its amplitude port.

You can connect this amplitude port to any MIDI input port, which will automatically create a Value2Midi module which defines how the value should be converted to MIDI. You can for example convert this to CC 11 (expression) to control the expression of an instrument (or anything else).

Now if you make a tone with your voice, the loudness of this tone will control the expression. But the problem with this can be that the measured amplitude of your voice fluctuates a lot, so the expression won't be very smooth.

To solve this, create a Value Smoother module, connect it between the Microphone and the Value2Midi module and now you can control how much this value will be smoothed depending on the duration setting in the Value Smoother.

So you can now "sing" (or make any other noise with your voice or anything else) and control the expression of an instrument. This only works if you use headphones, of course, otherwise the created sound will influence the microphone signal.

(Note: An alternative for this is to use the mouth opening port of Face Tracking as a cheap breath controller replacement instead, in which case you only need to open your mouth, and do not need to wear headphones).


valueIn and valueOut:

Route the values through this to smooth out a value.


Duration: The value is smoothed by setting the incoming value as a target value, and adding a slower transition towards this value. The duration defines the duration it takes until the target value will be reached.