Experimental MIDI Controller Construction Kit

MIDI to Value Converter

This module does the opposite than the Value to MIDI Converter: You can use it to convert a MIDI note, CC or Channel Pressure event to an internal value, which then can be used as input for the other modules. This is very useful if you want to combine another MIDI controller with MusiKraken.


MIDIIn and ValueOut:

Events entering the MIDIIn port are filtered depending on the settings and are converted to numerical values that are sent out through the ValueOut port.


Input range: This can be used to restrict the input range of the incoming MIDI note, CC or Channel Pressure events. This range is then mapped to the output value range.

Inverted input range: If checked, the values from the input are inverted, so large values become small ones in the output.

Output range: The range of the output value. The input value range will be linearly mapped to this output range.

Type: This defines the type of MIDI event that should be filtered out and be converted to a value. Control Change, Note or Channel Pressure.

Target Controller: (Control Change only) With this, you can define which Control Change events should be used to convert to a value. All other control change events are ignored.