Experimental MIDI Controller Construction Kit

Cat and Dog Tracking

The Cat and Dog Tracker tracks various body parts of cats and dogs in front of the camera. Currently only one cat or dog is tracked.

This is basically the same as the body pose tracker, but for cats and dogs (and possibly other animals with similiar body structure).


nose x/y:

The position of the nose.

neck x/y:

The position of the neck.

left back paw x/y:

The position of the left back paw.

right back paw x/y:

The position of the right back paw.

left front paw x/y:

The position of the left front paw.

right front paw x/y:

The position of the right front paw.

tail bottom x/y:

The position of the bottom part of the tail.

tail top x/y:

The position of the top part of the tail.


The distance to the cat or dog. Only exact if you use a camera with TrueDepth sensor.


Sends out OSC messages with all cat and dog body positions.


Positions are relative to the body: If this is active, then the positions are relative to the body. So the positions are no longer the x- or y-positions on the camera screen, but relative to another body part where they are attached to. So for example the tail top position depends on the tail bottom position, or the right front paw position depends on the neck. This way the position of the animal on the screen doesn't influence the output values any more.

Visual style: Should the tracked positions be visualized with lines, dots, or not at all?

Color: Which color should the lines or dots have?